Tidy your yard for the winter, protect your piles

The first snows announce the beginning of a new season, and who says “new season”, says it’s time to tidy up. You’ve certainly enjoyed your outdoor living space this summer, but it’s time to tidy your yard for winter. You surely know the major steps in this fall clean-up: closing the pool, storing bikes in the shed, putting away your outdoor furniture, etc. But what about your piles? Yes, you’ve read correctly, your piles! In order to protect your foundations for a very long time, here are a few guidelines to follow to tidy your yard as winter approaches.

Trust and Precision is Postech Peterborough’s Purpose

Getting To Know Postech Peterborough

Based in Selwyn, Ontario, Postech Peterborough focuses on sharing a trustworthy service and a precise installation of screw piles. Office Manager Kim Lepalm and installer Travis Alison aim to provide each client with a product they can be proud of for a lifetime and ensure the service always comes with a smile.

Tiny houses: Rethinking Space and Storage

The popularity of tiny houses continues to grow as many people adopt a more minimalist way of living. Indeed, the increase in environmental issues necessarily leads to a more critical way of looking at our consumption patterns. It also prompts us to reflect on the importance we give to objects. By switching to the “tiny” lifestyle, individuals must detach themselves from the clutter since the storage space will be considerably reduced in this type of housing.