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Cottage : autoconstruction cottage on piles

A cottage made of wood means that each block of wood is treated by hand, by a carpenter, and handled with care. Wood also gives a rustic look and is an ecological and sustainable material. This makes many homeowners want to realize their dream of living away from society and in harmony with nature. That’s what this Buck Lake, Alberta homeowner did. He had a vision for his cottage, and trusted us to make it happen.

Cottage on screw piles

Knowing the location provided a few challenges our partner was a carpenter who knew the benefits to build his cottage on screw piles.

How many screw piles and how long did it take?

Three members from the Postech Red Deer‘s team were put on this project. The cottage was being moved to Buck Lake in Alberta and the request was to put it on piles. The installation took 28 screw piles with a 12-inch blade, in two and a half days.

The challenges of the project

The utilities located in the area where the screw piles were to be positioned which forced the Postech Red Deer’s team to call on engineers to modify the location of the piles. As well, the engineers recommended installing black piles for design purposes. A request that was respected by our expert installer from Postech Red Deer.

Under these conditions, no impact was done on the client’s project. All the utilities had to be cleared to ensure a safe installation.

The soft ground in some places and the presence of sandstone in others also complicated the installation. In addition, the cottage was scheduled to be moved on a Monday. The team therefore had to work over the weekend to install the piles in order to meet the client’s deadline.

The Vistech / Postech advantages 

The customer was provided with a closeout letter from our engineers which reassured the client that the piles were installed correctly.

Thus, it will help with the resale price of the place, for the future. As well, the screw piles were able to be installed in a variety of ground conditions. After that, the client continued to trust Postech’s team for the completion of the project.

If you want to make changes quickly and efficiently on your property, find your local installer and start building your project on a solid foundation!