Reliable screw pile solutions for strong & stable foundation repairs

Got a foundation in need of repair? Look no further! Our team specializes in residential foundation repairs. Our screw piles for foundation repairs, keep your deck, cottage, shed or home stable and secure for years to come. Postech Screw Piles are the support you can count on for a long, long time!

Got a foundation in need of repair? Look no further! Our team specializes in residential foundation repairs. Our screw piles for foundation repairs, keep your deck, cottage, shed or home stable and secure for years to come. Postech Screw Piles are the support you can count on for a long, long time!

Leaning support beams under a carport showing signs of instability, highlighting the need for strong and stable foundation repairs with screw piles.

Why choose screw piles for your foundation repair?​

  • Turnkey service: You don’t have to do a thing. We do it all.
  • Guaranteed level foundation no matter how uneven your terrain: We cut our screw piles on site for 100% accurate levelling.
  • No concrete mixer: No delays, no cancellations, no major site damage.
  • Tight spaces friendly: Our compact excavators can squeeze themselves to through a 40-inch opening.
    Flexible: We adapt to the needs of your project.
  • Quick & clean: We can complete many repairs in just a few hours. We even clean and tidy up your site before we leave.

Simple & efficient!

Get a residential foundation repair that’s fast and affordable. And guaranteed to last!

Questions about Screw Piles?

How much does a screw pile cost? Can screw piles be installed under an existing structure? Can we install helical piles in rock? Does Postech Screw Piles rust? What load can a screw pile bear?

Screw Piles vs Concrete

Screw piles outperform traditional foundation methods.

Postech Screw Piles installers

Our certified experts are your neighbours

Every Postech installation is quick and easy, and there’s a certified expert installer near you who will guarantee that your project starts on the right footing.

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