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Our Franchisees

Chester the Speedster

We first met Chester on the footpath of the Rebecca Schofield Memorial Park.

We first met Chester on the footpath of the Rebecca Schofield Memorial Park, and the whole time he worked hard with his colleagues to install the screw piles within their strict deadline. The next day he joined us, with his two kids in tow. Our meeting was set for 9:00am at Bendview Court, a promontory where you can watch the waves as the sea flows into the river.

His children were to his very image: joyful, brimming with energy, and contagious smiles. Our mascot Ila was a clear attraction for them, earning us points in their book! We shared brunch at Euston Park, and Chester took that opportunity to entertain us with the story of how he installed the screw piles at a new restaurant that had been built using old maritime shipping containers. He also told us how he was able to successfully balance the three pillars in his life: family, running, and work. “Oftentimes, you ask yourself how you are going to make everything fit, but in the end you always find a way,” he said.


With their mom at work on Saturdays, Chester brings the kids breakfast. That’s their weekly routine. When he runs, his family is there too, as much as possible. But believe me, Chester doesn’t just run the fitness path on the weekends. His next planned race is 55km! “It’s a good way for me to channel all my energy,” he says after swallowing a mouthful of duck poutine.


We then went to stretch our legs and go see one of his projects around the corner: the “Moncton Riverfront Boardwalk”. It’s a long walkway where you can fully enjoy nature mere feet from the city. The Postech screw piles proved to be an excellent option that didn’t disturb the flora or fauna, and wasn’t constrained by the ebbing and flowing of the tides. Nowadays, tides are just a normal issue that the Maritime dealers have to take into account, especially when these tides are among the highest in the world. “One time, one of my installers called me and informed me that the pontoon he used to go down had slipped, and the water was quickly rising. He had to find another way to get the machine out, everything went very quickly at that time,” Chester told me. Luckily they got out in time, and everything went well with the project; it was an undeniable success. 

Chester and the children waved us off as we left New-Brunswick, without having been able to see Fundy Bay. We unfortunately didn’t have time to see the geography of this corner of Canada, instead we got to make some new friends.