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Screw Piles for Greenhouses

Discover the affordable and efficient solution for greenhouse foundations with Postech Screw Piles. Reduce costs, minimize ground disturbance, and enjoy a stable structure.

The foundation dilemma

Building a greenhouse presents a significant challenge: the foundation. A solid foundation is crucial to withstand strong winds and provide stability. However, installing a traditional concrete foundation is often the most expensive part of the project, making it unaffordable for many people.

Best solution: Postech Screw Piles

Cost-effective and efficient

Postech Screw Piles offer an excellent alternative for greenhouse foundations. The lower cost of screw piles makes the project more affordable. Additionally, labor costs are significantly reduced since only one worker and one piece of equipment are required for installation.

Minimal Ground Disturbance

With such a simple installation process, the ground remains largely undisturbed. There is no need for backfilling and leveling, as with concrete foundations. This results in a well-grounded, stable greenhouse at a lower cost. The easy installation process saves time, allowing construction to begin the same day the screw piles are installed.

Fast and Simple Installation

Stability and Durability

Postech screw piles are installed below the frost line, ensuring they are unaffected by ground swelling and heaving. This allows greenhouses of any size to be built securely, knowing that the structure will not flex. This prevents the failure of glass panels or malfunctioning doors.

Minimal Disruption to Existing Landscaping

Since there’s no need to break up the ground for concrete foundations, Postech Screw Piles can be installed next to existing plant beds with minimal disruption. Greenhouses can be built to protect existing plants without disturbing the landscaping. The only ground disturbance is the diameter of the screw plate hole.

Professional Installation Services

Our trained contractors are ready to assist you with the installation of Postech Screw Piles for your new greenhouse foundation. We are prepared to help you get your project off the ground with minimal fuss, in the shortest possible time.