Do you want to install a fence on your property?
Postech Screw Piles offers a quick and sustainable solution to support your project.
Installing a fence can sometimes seem simple, but to ensure longevity, each step must be done with care, especially the installation of foundations. To prevent the fence from sagging to the side over time, it is strongly recommended to install piles under the structure. Installed below the freezing depth, Postech piles are not affected by the movement of the ground caused by the freeze-thaw phenomenon often problematic in North America. The fence then remains in place extending its lifespan.
Postech Thermal piles are galvanized, through a hot-dip galvanizing process (link), providing lasting corrosion protection and an established lifetime of more than 75 years. So you can enjoy your facilities with peace of mind.
Our certified installers will be happy to offer you the best choice of piles suited to your needs. Thereafter, the installation will be done quickly and will not cause damage to your property since, unless there are special situations, no excavation is necessary.

Steel Fence by pool by Vistech Estrie
Fence with wooden framing black leafs on Postech Screw Piles Fence with wooden framing black leafs on Postech Screw PilesProject
Big light wooden fence
Light wooden fence on Postech Screw Piles Light wooden fence on Postech Screw Piles

Metal fence around a small lac
Metal fence around a small lac, all on Postech galvanized screw piles Metal fence around a small lac, all on Postech galvanized screw piles

Wooden fences that hide the backyard
Wooden fences that hide the backyard, on Postech screw piles Wooden fences that hide the backyard, on Postech screw piles

Metal fence to delemitate the landscape
Metal fence to delemitate the landscape, entirely on Postech thermal screw piles Metal fence to delemitate the landscape, entirely on Postech thermal screw piles

Wooden fences opaque for intimacy
Wooden fences opaque for intimacy, on Postech thermal piles

Postech Screw Pile installers
Our certified experts are your neighbours
Every Postech installation is quick and easy, and there’s a certified expert installer near you who will guarantee that your project starts on the right footing.
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