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Our Franchisees

Vistech Saguenay : A family business!

Spring was really taking its time to come to Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean!

Our RV traveled through the breathtaking scenes of the Grands-Jardins National Park, where we took a small photo break at the Mont-du-Lac-des-Cygnes visitor centre. The welcome lodge was closed, as vacation season is approaching, but the spectacle of nature was still there to welcome us. We continued along the road, traveling through the forest still blanketed with snow and by lakes dotted with patches of ice. Spring was really taking its time to come to Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean! 

Further along on our path, we came across a not-so-human-shy moose, and a few curves down the trail after that, we saw two more. These were definitely a mother and her calf, who didn’t waste any time in hiding in the woods! The trail was truly beautiful here, and the team was unanimous in saying that if we didn’t have to stick so close to our schedule, just stopping and enjoying the scenery would have been the next part of our trip! Our second stop on the trail: a viewpoint situated right at the line between Charlevoix and Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, at Mitcha Lake, which gave us an excellent view of both regions. From there, we could truly take in the scale of the large spaces that Quebec can offer!


It was a little before nightfall that we arrived at the home of Lynda and Mario, and we were highly awaited! Once the RV was parked and plugged in our hosts’ yard, we were immediately made to feel at home. Ila made friends with Emy, their little Chihuahua, and on Lynda’s recommendation, the team ordered pizza from Rodi Pizzeria before turning in for the night. At 7:15 am the following day, we were all in the yard, setting up our cameras and getting ready to begin following the family on their very busy day. Their son Mikael came to greet us before picking up the day’s work orders and helping his dad, Mario, load up the screw piles. As for Lynda, she was on her daily morning phone call with Benoit, their associate in Lac-Saint-Jean who is also part of the family. Not long after, their nephew also came by for his own work orders before Émilie, their niece, arrived at the house to go together with Lynda to the office. “We love working with the kids! We’ve been with Vistech for 17 years, and they represent new blood and if they ever want to take up the business again at any point, they will already have a foot up,” explains Lynda, who takes great care of her little world with all the benevolence needed of a head of family and experienced head of business.

Without hesitation, this beautiful family headed out to the work sites of the scheduled clients for the day, and the client phone calls steadily rolled in. As Lynda was with us for the day, she trusted the phone calls to her niece: she was determined to show us a completed project that she was intensely proud of: the footbridge at Jardins Scullion. There, we met with Jean-Michel Munger, an engineer for Groupe Genius who works often with Vistech and who appreciates both the versatility of screw piles and the professionalism of the dealers. We went on a little tour by golf cart, through the garden of conifers, with Lynda volunteering to take pictures together. Then over the concrete footbridge we went, a bridge that weighed the equivalent of four blue whales, and that was supported in part by screw piles. Yet soon enough it was time to say our goodbyes. 

Upon leaving Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, our road trip still had a long way to go before arriving at Prince Edward Island. On each of our visits, we make a friend that we have to leave behind once we depart, but even though we get a little sad leaving each of the dealers that we get to know, we eagerly look forward to the meeting that awaits us at the next destination!